Tonight's, May 25th, HS Baseball and Softball games vs Central Lee at home will be Varsity first followed by JV.
over 3 years ago, Lucas Gourley
The latest edition of the Bear Necessities Elementary Newsletter is now available. Check out what is going on at Danville Elementary here: Go Bears!
over 3 years ago, Jaci Thornburg
Here is today's Bear Necessities Video Vlog. Check out what these fourth graders did in Science this week! Go Bears!
over 3 years ago, Jaci Thornburg
HS STATE TRACK MEET HAS A free video livestream available through the Iowa High School Sports Network for those who are unable to attend.
over 3 years ago, Kirk Soukup
Free breakfasts & lunches for all children 1-18 years old, have been extended through the summer. Starting Monday, June 7th - Friday,  August 13th. Please call 319-392-4221 or email to request meals. Monday-Friday pick up location: circle drive 7:30-9:00AM .
over 3 years ago, Alice McLeland
Menu Change for Tuesday, May 18th. The main entree will be Fiestada Pizza. The remainder of the menu for Tuesday will not change
almost 4 years ago, Abby Tuttle
The following practices for tonight 5/17 have been canceled. HS AND JH BASEBALL HS AND JH TRAP SHOOTING
almost 4 years ago, Kirk Soukup
Reminder: Senior night for Coed GOLF and BOYS SOCCER will be MONDAY 5/17 at 4:50pm before the Boys Soccer game with Highland. Parents please be there and lined up at 4:50pm.
almost 4 years ago, Kirk Soukup
Effective Monday, May 17, 2021 Danville CSD will be adjusting our Return To Learn Plan which includes the most recent IDPH and IDHS recommendations. While COVID-19 positive and symptomatic children should be excluded, exposed children should no longer be required to stay home, regardless of mask usage. When there is a positive case, parents will be given information around the exposed case in order to make their own informed decisions regarding risks. If your student tests positive for COVID-19, the following will be required to return: 10 days after symptoms start and 24 hours with no fever and improved symptoms OR 10 days after positive test (if no symptoms). · It will be left up to the parent to make the decision if they want their child to continue to wear a face covering for reasons that make sense to their family or that child’s individual health condition.
almost 4 years ago, Alice McLeland
Here is a link to purchase tickets for the Sub state Boys Soccer game on 5/20 at Columbus Jct with a 6:30 start.Tickets will go on sale at Tuesday, May 18th at 9 a.m. Fans can go to the ticket page on the IHSAA website to purchase tickets. (Nothing will be populated on the ticket page until Tuesday.) Here is the link: I also attached a QR code. Once scanned the QR code will take a purchaser to the ticket page. Use only the link above, creating a drilled down link causes issues when a spectator goes to check out in their cart.
almost 4 years ago, Kirk Soukup
The first round of the Boys Soccer conf. tournament will be played at Notre Dame tonight 5/14 at 7pm. The winner will play at Wapello on Saturday 5/15 with the time TBA either ( 10am or 11:30am).
almost 4 years ago, Kirk Soukup
Senior Awards Night will be broadcast live on our Danville Facebook page beginning at 6:00 tonight, Wednesday, May 12, 2021
almost 4 years ago, John Lawrence
Starting today, Monday, May 10th, the JH/HS will be participating in a food drive for the Danville Food Pantry. Students are asked to bring non-perishable foods OR money ($1 = 1 can of food) any day this week. Food & money will be collected in their Blue Day Bear Dens. The Bear Den with the most food & money will win a Donut Party! Most needed items are chili, cream of mushroom soup, jelly, creamed corn, boxed dessert mixes, and personal care items.
almost 4 years ago, Bobbie Anderson
Senior night for Coed GOLF and BOYS SOCCER will be MONDAY 5/17 at 4:50pm before the Boys Soccer game with Highland. Parents please be there and lined up at 4:45pm.
almost 4 years ago, Kirk Soukup
Happy Friday! Here is today's Bear Necessities Video Vlog from Danville Elementary. It has been a GREAT Teacher Appreciation Week! Go Bears!
almost 4 years ago, Jaci Thornburg
The Boys and Girls state track Qualifying meet will be Thursday May 13 at Wayland. here is how you purchase a ticket: Admission is $6 and must be pre-purchased at Tickets will go on sale at Monday, May 10th at 9 a.m. THERE WILL BE NO CASH TICKETS ONSITE.
almost 4 years ago, Kirk Soukup
Graduation will be Sunday, May 30 at 2:00 p.m. in the High School Gym. Each graduate will receive a maximum of 8 tickets. Due to the large gathering of people, all guests attending will need to wear masks. Plans are being made to live stream the ceremony. Doors will open at 1:00 p.m.
almost 4 years ago, Bobbie Anderson
Reminder: Tonight is the 4 Year Old Preschool Open House at Danville Elementary. Bring your prospective 4 Year Old student to visit the classroom, meet the staff, and check out what Preschool is all about. Open House runs from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. In addition, preschool students do not have to live in the Danville School District and can attend 4 Year Old Preschool without completing open enrollment papers. If you have questions, feel free to call the elementary office at 319-392-4221. Go Bears!
almost 4 years ago, Jaci Thornburg
Preschool Open House! Danville Elementary is hosting an Open House event for our 4 Year Old Preschool. Any prospective 2021 - 2022 4 Year Old Preschool students and parents are invited to attend the Open House on Thursday, May 6 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Visitors can see our preschool classroom, meet the staff, and check out some of the centers and activities for our Preschool students. We look forward to seeing you Thursday evening! Check out the video of this year's Preschool class below! Go Bears!
almost 4 years ago, Jaci Thornburg
almost 4 years ago, Kirk Soukup