We start the new semester on Tuesday, but have some unfinished business from the first semester.
Tuesday, we will start periods 1-5 as second semester. Periods 6-8 will be first semester to allow those classes to finish tests, speeches, etc.

Due to the impending weather the Danville District will be releasing students at 11:50 with buses departing at 12:00. No p.m. preschool.

The FFA Alumni Banquet and meeting has been postponed for this evening. Rescheduled date is pending.

All games for tonight have been rescheduled. New game date and time will be released when available. There will also be NO practices after school today due to the inclement weather.

Last day of classes December 20th and first day back for classes January 6, 2020. Just in case you are not aware the first semester does not end until January 17th.

It is time to take a well deserved break. I hope you have the time to relax with family and friends and come back excited about 2020! From our family at Danville CSD to yours, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Due to road conditions Danville CSD will start at 10:00 December 16 no morning preschool

Kinsley Parrott, Danville Class of 2017, attends Central College in Pella. She is sponsoring a NEW toy and movie collection to benefit children at the UI and Blank Children's Hospitals. To help, you can drop off a new toy or movie at the either school office until January 10.

Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade on stage

Sixth Grade Band

Fifth Grade Band takes the stage


Christmas Concert begins with Kindergarten and First Grade

High school side being enclosed. Inside work will start very soon.

Steel going up on elementary side

We hope all of you are surrounded by family and friends during this feastive season. From the Danville CSD have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving🦃

Congratulations to the new DCSD Board; Members Shaun Langan, Brady Eisenmann, Sandy Dockendorff, President Andy Grothe and VP Brian Bauer.

Thanks for your years of service to the students and staff: Allan Luers 12 years and Jill Nealey 4 years.

New Board members Shaun Langan and Brady Eisenmann

Congratulations to Officer Whitaker and Mr. Johnson (not pictured)on the "Golden Spoon" Award for the 1st Annual Chili Cook-off competition! We received over 450 food items to donate to the food pantry in Danville!! Thank you students for all your donations!!