Tomorrow starts school supply turn in process. Please recheck an email from Mr. Lawrence for your specific day and time. Please bring your computer, bag and charge-make sure you save personal info - school books, boys track uniforms(HS), Park in elementary enter Circle Drive door
almost 4 years ago, John Lawrence
SCC Fall Course Registration: Follow Guidelines-Directions in link below Download fill out PACE SCC Form Download fill out College Agreement Form Register for any testing if necessary by May 15 Email back to Mrs. Alberts by May 15

almost 4 years ago, John Lawrence
Day one of elementary pickup was a bit underwhelming. Please come tomorrow and pick up your child's school work and belongings. Tomorrow is the last day from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. It will not be stored and will be disposed of appropriately.
about 4 years ago, Lucas Gourley
Elem Pickup
Student Council members at Danville thought they'd put together a short video to brighten your day and show a little of what they've been doing while out of school.
about 4 years ago, Lucas Gourley
Elementary - You may return library books, blue reading bags, or finished work when you come pick up the pkts./belongings Thursday 4/30 & Friday 5/1 from 7am-5pm. If you have a kindergarten student please return their dry erase boards
about 4 years ago, Alice McLeland
JH/HS packet pickup ONLY for students who have been contacted through email by a teacher will be Thursday 4/30 & Friday 5/1 from 7:00am-5:00pm. ONLY 10 people will be allowed in, at a time. Tables will be lined up by grade to pick-up and go. Please follow the arrows and exit out elem. drop off doors. Park in the elementary parking lot. Do not use the circle drive as it is still being used for breakfast/lunch pickups.
about 4 years ago, Alice McLeland
Elementary student packet/belonging pickup will be Thursday 4/30 & Friday 5/1 from 7:00am-5:00pm. ONLY 10 people will be allowed in, at a time. Tables are lined up by grade to pick-up and go. Please follow the arrows and exit out elem. drop off doors. Park in the elementary parking lot. Do not use the circle drive as it is still being used for breakfast/lunch pickups.
about 4 years ago, Alice McLeland
With this virus holding a grip on many of us, it has made the Danville Community School District take a look on how we need to deliver services to ALL our students. Many reports express the concern of this reoccurring in the future with the possibility of more closures. Through our Technology Coordinator, Lucas Gourley, the District has developed a survey concerning high quality internet in each of our student's homes not just having a "hot spot" location available. We are asking each household with a student or students to please fill out the survey linked at the bottom or email your responses to Connectivity in rural Iowa is a major issue of the inequality we face not only in education but in all walks of life. Over these past months we have seen families needing to work from home and at the same time try to provide online education for their students. This is an issue that needs to be addressed by our state and local governments, and not from any local school district. Thank you for your assistance in this project and always "Go Bears". Yours in education, Dr. Ward, Superintendent Lucas Gourley, Technology Coordinator Google Survey Link -
about 4 years ago, Lucas Gourley
Due to weather, times on Friday 4/17/20 for meals at the drop offs (Hwy 79/Pioneer & Damon Crossing) will be 8:30am -9:30am
about 4 years ago, Alice McLeland
Today, Tuesday 4/14/20, is the last day to pick up the work packets. We are here until 5PM
about 4 years ago, Alice McLeland
Seniors and Silver Cord Update Modifications have been made to reduce the hours to earn a Silver Cord to 375 hrs. and an extension of due date until 4/24 Emails to Mrs. Alberts from the supervisor with date(s), service activity and hours will be excepted if form is not completed.
about 4 years ago, John Lawrence
High School Prom Update: Prom will not be April 25. A very tentative date for prom will be June 26 at Meyers Tree Farm Wedding Barn. There will be NO Promenade. Students attending will need to arrive by 6:30 for class pictures. Dinner will start at 7:00. The dance will end at 10:30. We will continue to follow the directives of the Governor and the Iowa Department of Health in regards to our ability to have this event. We will keep you posted.
about 4 years ago, Lucas Gourley
Extended closure student packet pickup for parents will be Monday 4/13 & Tuesday 4/14 from 7:00am-5:00pm. ONLY 10 people will be allowed in, at a time. Tables will be lined up by grade to pick-up and go. Please follow the arrows and exit out the cafeteria. ALL prescription and over the counter medicine will need to be picked up. Park in the elementary parking lot. Do not use the circle drive as it is still being used for breakfast/lunch pick ups.
about 4 years ago, Alice McLeland
The Conference JH vocal music festival scheduled for 4/14 and the JH band festival scheduled for 4/28 have both been cancelled.
about 4 years ago, Thomas Ward
Just a reminder tomorrow starts our Virtual Spirit Week
about 4 years ago, Thomas Ward
Spirit Week
Honk for service🚘
about 4 years ago, Thomas Ward
Pick up
Breakfast/Lunch orders available call 319-392-4225 or to place order
about 4 years ago, Thomas Ward
Breakfast/lunch pick up went well. Parents and students reach out to your teachers for help if needed. Stay well.
about 4 years ago, Thomas Ward
Starting Monday, March 23rd free meals for all children 18 & under. Monday-Friday at 3 pick up locations: circle drive 7:30-9:00AM Hwy 79/Pioneer & 13851 DMC Hwy 34 7:30-8:30AM Do NOT get out of your car meals will delivered to you. Call Alice at 319-392-4221 to request meals.
about 4 years ago, Alice McLeland
Call the elementary office by Friday at 4 if you are interested in the breakfast/lunch pick up. See the District Facebook page for times and locations.
about 4 years ago, Thomas Ward